The one and only: Caleb Buzzas
This Summer, Obility made some big changes to our standard account team structure in order to better support client goals and outcomes. One of the biggest changes comes with the introduction of a new position at Obility called the Strategy and Execution Director (or SED).
As of December, every department has an SED supporting clients and bringing an extra layer of strategic expertise to our efforts, but our very first SED is building the foundation for this role while bringing immediate impact to the clients he supports.
Caleb Buzzas, Obility’s first SED in the Paid Search & Display department, has quickly worked his way up through a number of roles at Obility, but taking on the new SED role is sure to be a unique challenge as he brings his talents and leadership directly to our client base.
To welcome him to his new role on the PS&D team, we sat down and asked Caleb a few serious (and not-so-serious) questions to get to know more about him and his Obility experience.
Get to know Caleb
What’s your walk-up song?
London Bridge – Fergie
What’s your go-to email signoff?
What’s your favorite dad joke?
Why couldn’t the toilet paper cross the road? – It got stuck in a crack.
What’s your go-to work-from-home lunch?
Most of the time I eat whatever leftovers are in the fridge, but if I’m buying lunch it’s typically sushi. Salmon nigiri to be precise.
What made you choose Paid Search & Display for your career?
Primarily because I’m impatient. I was drawn to the pace at which PSD moves, and I enjoy seeing the fruits of my labor quickly and having the ability to experiment more frequently.
What’s been your career progression while at Obility (what positions have you held before this)?
I started at the bottom as part of Obility’s first cohort of Digital Marketing Coordinators. After my first 90-days I narrowed my focus and became a PCC Coordinator, next I became a PSD manager, then a Senior PSD Manager, then the PSD Dept. Supervisor, and now I’m here!
What’s your greatest client win while at Obility?
So far, nothing has beaten when a small group of us went to New York to pitch Paid Search and Social to Latch. Latch was part of the R/GA incubator and, at the time, was operating out of R/GA’s Manhattan office. On top of being a wild experience, we also ended up winning the business.
What’s your favorite non-work-related Obility memory?
Getting happy hour at Yamhill Pub. Man, I miss that place.
What are some benefits of having a SED on a PSD account? What value do you aim to provide to clients?
My primary objectives are to provide another layer of B2B expertise, help strengthen the partnership with our clients, and ensure performance goals are being met, if not exceeded. Additionally, I aim to have fun doing it.
Obility is currently rolling out SEDs across all services, so keep an eye out for more team intros and refer any digital marketing superstars looking for their next opportunity to us – we’d love to meet them!