
How to Craft Compelling Case Studies for SaaS Solutions

06.25.23 // Yvonne Tran

Case studies are an effective digital marketing tool to showcase the success of your SaaS solution and demonstrate its value to potential clients. A well-written case study provides real-world examples of how your solution has solved specific challenges, improved productivity, and delivered measurable results for businesses in your potential client’s field.

If you’re looking to create a case study for your own SaaS solution, read on to discover the five essential steps when crafting a compelling case study, followed by some best practices to follow. 


1. Choose the Right Client

To start, choose a client for your case study that will be worth your time and effort. The following factors are things to consider when selecting a client:


Look for clients whose business or industry aligns closely with your target market. The more relevant the client’s industry or vertical is to your ideal audience, the easier it will be for potential clients to see the applicability and value of your solution to their own needs. For example, if your service focuses on e-commerce platforms, it would be ideal to feature a client in the retail or online marketplace industry.

Success Story

Choose clients who can demonstrate notable improvements in key areas such as cost savings, revenue growth, operational efficiency, or customer satisfaction. A client with a compelling success story will have a more significant impact on potential clients, as it showcases the tangible benefits of your offering.

Availability of Data and Metrics

To create a robust case study, you will need access to relevant data and metrics that demonstrate the impact of your SaaS solution. Discuss with potential clients whether they have the necessary data or systems in place to track and measure the results achieved. This could include data on increased efficiency, reduced error rates, improved user engagement, or any other relevant metrics that showcase the success of your platform.

Strong Client Relationship

Consider selecting clients with whom you have established a strong working relationship. Clients who have a positive experience and a good relationship with your team are more likely to provide detailed insights, testimonials, and quotes that can strengthen the case study. Additionally, a strong relationship can help facilitate smoother collaboration throughout the case study creation process.

Diversity and Variety

Aim for diversity and variety in your case studies to showcase the versatility and broad applicability of your SaaS solution. Highlight clients from different industries, company sizes, or geographic locations to demonstrate that your service can deliver success across various contexts. This approach will appeal to a wider range of potential clients and make your case studies more relatable.

Permission and Confidentiality

Ensure that you have the client’s permission to feature them in your case study and share relevant details about their organization. Some clients may have confidentiality concerns or contractual obligations that limit what information can be disclosed. Respect any restrictions or non-disclosure agreements and work closely with the client to ensure that the case study strikes the right balance between showcasing their success and respecting their confidentiality needs.


2. Define the Case Study Objectives

After selecting an impressive client story to highlight, it’s essential to clearly define the objectives for your case study. Not only will this provide you with a solid framework to work with, but it will help you craft a narrative that will keep your readers engaged. When defining your objectives, consider the following areas:

Identify the Problem or Challenge

Start by clearly identifying the specific problem or challenge that the client faced before implementing your SaaS solution. What pain points were they experiencing? What obstacles were hindering their operations or goals? Understanding the initial problem provides context and sets the stage for highlighting the effectiveness of your solution.

Determine the Goals and Expectations

Once you have identified the problem, determine the goals and expectations the client had when they sought out your offering. What were they hoping to achieve? Did they have specific targets in mind? Clearly defining the goals and expectations will serve as a benchmark for evaluating the success of working with you.

Specify Measurable Outcomes

To showcase the success of your SaaS solution, it’s important to identify specific, measurable outcomes that demonstrate the impact it had on the client’s business. These outcomes can include quantitative metrics such as:

  • Increased revenue 
  • Reduced expenses 
  • Improved turnaround time 
  • Enhanced user satisfaction 
  • Or any other relevant performance indicators 

Defining measurable outcomes allows you to present concrete evidence to potential clients.

Align with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Consider the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are most relevant to the client’s industry or business objectives. These KPIs should align with the measurable outcomes you have identified in the previous step. For example, if the client’s primary goal was to improve customer satisfaction, relevant KPIs could include customer feedback ratings, customer retention rates, or the number of support tickets resolved. Aligning with KPIs adds credibility and ensures that the case study resonates with potential clients.

Set Realistic Expectations

While it’s essential to highlight the successes achieved with your SaaS solution, it’s also important to set realistic expectations for potential clients. Clearly communicate the challenges the client faced, the resources invested, and the timeline required to achieve the outcomes. This provides a balanced perspective and ensures that potential clients have a clear understanding of what they can expect when implementing your product or service.


3. Gather Data and Evidence

Collect relevant data and evidence to support your case study. This can include customer feedback, usage metrics and insights, surveys, in-depth interviews with clients, photos or screenshots of the software in action, and more. You should also gather any related materials such as sales decks, logos, videos or webinars that could be used to enhance the case study content.

Quantitative Data

Gather quantitative data that quantifies the impact of your product. This can include metrics such as:

  • Cost savings
  • Revenue growth 
  • Increased productivity 
  • Improved turnaround time 
  • Reduced error rates
  • Or any other measurable outcomes

Obtain access to relevant data sources, reports, or performance indicators that provide concrete evidence of the solution’s effectiveness.

Qualitative Data

Alongside quantitative data, collect qualitative data that captures the client’s experience and satisfaction. This can include:

  • Testimonials
  • Feedback surveys
  • Interviews
  • Quotes from key stakeholders involved in the project

Qualitative data adds a human element to the case study, allowing potential clients to connect emotionally with the success story and understand the intangible benefits.

Before-and-After Comparisons

Whenever possible, gather data that allows for before-and-after comparisons. This can involve capturing the client’s performance metrics or key indicators before the implementation of your SaaS solution and then comparing them to the post-implementation results. Before-and-after comparisons provide a clear visual representation of the impact and improvement achieved.

Use Reliable Sources

Ensure that the data and evidence you gather are from reliable and credible sources. Rely on official reports, internal data, reputable industry benchmarks, or recognized third-party sources. Using credible sources adds credibility to your case study and strengthens the trustworthiness of the information presented.

Validate and Verify Data

Similarly, verify the accuracy and validity of the data and evidence you gather internally. Cross-reference information from multiple sources, verify calculations, and ensure that the data aligns with the client’s internal records. Validating the data strengthens the credibility of your case study and prevents any inaccuracies or discrepancies that could undermine its impact.

Highlight Key Results

Focus on the most significant results and benefits achieved by the client. Quantify the impact whenever possible, using concrete numbers and percentages to demonstrate the success of your solution. Highlight any unique or unexpected outcomes that exceeded the client’s initial expectations. This will help build credibility and showcase the value of your offering.


4. Tell a Compelling Story

When crafting your case study, try presenting it in a narrative format that tells a captivating story. Use the framework below as a starting point to guide your writing:

  • Begin with an engaging introduction
  • Provide relevant background information
  • Describe your SaaS solution and how it was implemented
  • Talk about key steps, milestones, and decisions
  • Point out any challenges encountered
  • Highlight results, benefits, and wins
  • Conclude with a call to action

Begin your case study with an engaging introduction that captivates the reader’s attention. Clearly articulate the client’s initial problem or challenge, highlighting the pain points they were experiencing. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the client’s situation and create a sense of urgency or relatability for the reader.

Provide relevant background information about the client’s industry, market, or business environment. Explain the broader context within which the client operates, including any industry challenges, market trends, or competitive landscape. This helps readers understand the unique context in which your application was implemented.

Clearly and concisely describe your SaaS solution and how it was implemented to address the client’s challenges. Explain the specific features, functionalities, or methodologies employed in the solution. Use simple language to ensure that readers, including those without technical expertise, can easily understand the product’s purpose and benefits.

Then, walk readers through the implementation process of your SaaS solution. Describe the key steps, milestones, and decisions made during the implementation journey. Highlight any challenges or obstacles encountered and how they were overcome. This provides readers with insights into the practical aspects of implementation and demonstrates your expertise in managing complex projects.

Finally, clearly outline the results and benefits achieved by the client as a direct result of your solution. Quantify the impact whenever possible, using concrete numbers, percentages, or benchmarks. Highlight the specific metrics, such as cost savings, revenue growth, improved efficiency, or enhanced customer satisfaction, to showcase the tangible outcomes.

Conclude the case study with a compelling call to action that encourages readers to take the next step, such as filling out a Contact Us form or requesting a demo of your product.


5. Promote the Case Study

Once your case study is complete, promote it through various channels such as your website, blog, social media, and email newsletters. Consider creating a dedicated landing page for your case studies where potential clients can easily access and explore them. You can also use the case study as a sales tool where you provide it to interested prospects or present it during sales meetings. 


Case Study Best Practices

Use Visuals

Incorporate visuals such as charts, graphs, screenshots, or before-and-after comparisons to make your case study more visually appealing and easier to understand. Visual representations of data can help reinforce the results and showcase the tangible benefits of your solution. Ensure the visuals are well-designed, easy to interpret, and support the key points of your case study.

Include Testimonials and Quotes

Include testimonials and quotes from key stakeholders, such as the client’s project manager or executives, who can speak to the positive impact of your product or service. Personal testimonials add authenticity and credibility to your case study. 

To make the testimonials more compelling, seek testimonials and quotes from a diverse range of stakeholders involved in different aspects of the project. This ensures that you capture a comprehensive view of the solution’s benefits and outcomes. Include perspectives from decision-makers who initiated the project, team members who implemented the solution, and end-users who experienced its benefits. This variety of perspectives strengthens the case study’s relatability.

Keep the Case Study Concise and Easy to Read

Write your case study in a concise and reader-friendly format so that your audience stays engaged and comprehends the full impact of your SaaS solution. Below are some tips to help ensure your case study is easy to read:

  • Use subheadings, bullet points, and clear paragraphs to break up the content and improve readability
  • Avoid technical jargon or overly complex language that may confuse your audience
  • Keep the case study under three pages
  • Highlight the key takeaways

Lastly, make sure to thoroughly proofread and edit your case study to eliminate any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or awkward phrasing. Clarity and professionalism in your writing elevates the overall readability of the case study. 

By following these steps, you can elevate the digital marketing for your SaaS solution by creating a case study that shows off your product and the results it can provide. If done right, a well-presented case study will help attract new clients and build trust in your product’s capabilities.

Looking to view some examples? Visit Obility’s resource center to read inspiring case studies from businesses we have worked with. 

About Yvonne Tran

Yvonne is an SEO manager at Obility who lives in Portland, OR. View all Yvonne Tran’s posts >