
Obility’s SEO Snippet Optimizer

04.02.18 // Jeffrey Jensen

Here at Obility, we pride ourselves on being as up-to-date as possible (among all of the things that we pride ourselves on). So when Google updated their meta description maximum length to 320 characters from 165, we were thrilled and then immediately annoyed at how few tools were able to update to match the meta description length. Even now, some haven’t updated.

So instead of waiting or manually sifting through excel docs like it were the dark ages, we went ahead and created… 

Our own snippet optimizer!

Using our tool, you can write your titles and meta descriptions and see exactly what it would look like in Google search results and when your metadata is too long.

Snippet Optimizer Preview Example

Additionally, we added some other features to improve the experience. When you click on advanced, you can add a date to the meta description, as well as insert which keyword you are targeting and see where it would bold in the meta description!

While currently, this functionality has helped us write better titles and meta descriptions, there are some potential features in the works, such as:

  • A mobile snippet view
  • Rich Snippet options
  • Recommendations
  • & More!

Of course, Obility will be constantly working on improving this tool so that you can better write your metadata so if you have any feature requests of your own, feel free to send them to us and we’d be happy to add them! You can begin using our SEO snippet optimizer here.

Happy Optimizing!

About Jeffrey Jensen

Jeff has been an SEO for over four years and has the most fun pushing the boundaries of SEO, testing new techniques, and finding golden nuggets of truth hidden deep within analytics. When he's not working he likes to enjoy time with his family, play soccer, and occasionally pluck some (seemingly random) strings on the guitar. View all Jeffrey Jensen’s posts >