• Make the Most of Marketing Nation Summit

    With only a few months until Marketing Nation Summit, as a sponsor or attendee, you should be focused on how best to utilize your trip to Vegas (hint: popping bottles, screaming at a Mariah Carey concert, and throwing dice are only partial answers). As marketers, especially marketers to Marketing and Sales departments, you should view […]

  • Data-Driven Budget Planning

    Campaign Categories When establishing a media budget for the year, many of our clients employ some time-honored strategies: We spent $100k on LinkedIn last year. Let’s increase spend by 5% for this year Oh crap! We have leftover money from other departments, let’s spend it on paid search! We have to spend exactly $250k per […]

  • The Case for One-Day Conversion Cookies

    As B2B marketers, we need to face facts. We live in a B2C world. Ad networks simply understand targeting consumers better than they understand targeting businesses. Google’s new features such as product feeds and mobile targeting primarily have the B2C advertiser in mind. Similarly, the default 30-day cookie used by AdWords, AdRoll, Twitter, and a […]

  • Saturating Core Terms in SEO

    One of our tenets at Obility is to saturate core campaigns. We believe strongly that if something is working effectively, we should maximize its potential. Once we have determined a campaign consistently drives marketing qualified leads, opportunity, and revenue, we are going to look for ways to maximize impact from that campaign. Saturating SEO campaigns […]

  • New Site Launch is the Perfect Time for SEO

    Redesigning a new site requires a ton of effort. A site redesign requires coordinating marketing teams, project managers, designers, and developers. It requires getting buy-off from multiple stakeholders across departments. A site redesign is a large and expensive undertaking, often pulling budgets from other marketing channels. Brainrider recommends a budget of $25,000-100,000 for a new […]

  • Making Sense of an RLSA Strategy

    Defining a Strategy for RLSA AdWords Remarketing List for Search Ads (RLSA) campaigns have been around for quite some time, and yet most of the strategies provided by the industry at this point seem straight from Google’s initial press release. Bidding more, updating ad copy, and/or broadening keyword targeting has only one certain outcome: making […]