
Why Content Repurposing is Key to B2B Digital Marketing Success

04.06.23 // Joyce Collarde


The B2B digital marketing world is very competitive, so marketers need to find innovative ways to capture and engage their target audience. Content creation is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy, but constantly producing fresh content can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. That’s where content repurposing comes into play. Repurposing existing content allows businesses to maximize their marketing efforts, increase brand visibility, and achieve better results. In this blog post, Obility will explore 5 reasons why content repurposing is a vital strategy for B2B digital marketing success.


Extend the Lifespan of Your Content

The first benefit of content repurposing is extending the lifespan of your content. Creating content can be time-consuming and expensive, so when you invest time and effort in creating valuable content it’s essential to make the most out of it. 


Reaching New Audiences and Adapting to Different Channels 

Not everyone consumes content in the same way. Some individuals prefer reading blog posts, while others enjoy watching videos or listening to podcasts. By repurposing your content into different formats, you can cater to diverse audience preferences and reach new segments of your target market. For example, if you have a well-researched and informative blog post, you can transform it into a visually appealing infographic or a slide presentation and make the information more visually engaging and accessible to those who prefer visual content.

When repurposing content you need to be mindful of the different requirements and goals of different social media platforms: each digital channel has its own unique characteristics and user behaviors. For instance, short video snippets or teasers are more suited for Instagram and TikTok, whereas full-length videos are better distributed on LinkedIn and YouTube. We will get back to this topic later on!


Repurposing and Maintaining Evergreen Content

Evergreen topics are topics that remain relevant and valuable to your audience over time. Repurposing your evergreen content will help ensure that it continues to provide value and attract new readers or viewers. For example, if you have a comprehensive guide or an in-depth whitepaper, you can break it down into smaller, more digestible blog posts or create a series of informative videos that cover different aspects of the topic. As an added bonus, breaking long-form content into smaller chunks not only makes the content more accessible but also increases the chances of it being discovered by search engines and shared by your audience.

Over time, new developments, trends, and insights emerge in your industry. To keep evergreen content truly evergreen, repurposing and updating your existing content is essential. As a rule of thumb, Obility recommends reviewing existing content and updating it with new information, statistics, or examples every couple of years so you can breathe new life into the content and ensure that it remains valuable and informative for your audience.


Leveraging User-generated Content

Content repurposing isn’t limited to your own creations. User-generated content, such as customer testimonials, reviews, or social media posts, can also be repurposed to extend its lifespan. For example, positive customer reviews can be compiled into a compelling testimonial video, customer success stories can be used in a blog post and industry reviews can be mined to create a new page to address the benefits of your solution. 

Repurposing your content means maximizing its reach, visibility, and impact. It allows you to present information in different formats, adapt to various channels, and keep your content fresh and relevant.


Reach a Wider Audience

Let’s dive a little more into audience preference and how content repurposing can help you reach a wider audience. 


Tailoring Content Formats and Distribution to Audience Preferences

Different individuals have distinct preferences when it comes to consuming content. Some may prefer reading articles or blog posts, while others gravitate towards visual content like infographics or videos. The stage funnel also influences where and which content audiences prefer: users at the top of the funnel tend to favorite educational blog posts or solution overviews, while users at the bottom of the funnel gravitate towards case studies and demos. Repurposing your content allows cater to the preferences of a diverse audience. Repurposing content for different audiences doesn’t have to be difficult, for instance, if you have a lengthy whitepaper or research report, you can extract key insights and create a visually appealing infographic or a series of engaging social media posts. 

In addition to content types, you need to consider your distribution channels. Your target audience is likely active on multiple digital platforms and social media channels, so be mindful to not repurpose the same content across all platforms. As we discussed earlier in this article, not all content types are suitable for every distribution channel. Plus, having your content repurposed on different channels opens up new opportunities for social sharing and virality. 


Leveraging SEO and Discoverability

Content repurposing can significantly enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, leading to increased organic traffic and exposure. When you repurpose content, you create new opportunities for backlinks and internal linking, which are crucial for SEO. In addition, repurposing content across various platforms increases the chances of attracting external links from other websites, which is an important signal for domain authority and page authority. We will discuss the benefits of content repurposing for SEO in more detail in our next section. 

By repurposing your content, you break down barriers and reach a wider audience that may have otherwise remained untapped. Tailoring content formats, leveraging multiple platforms, encouraging social sharing, optimizing for SEO, and exploring partnerships all contribute to expanding your reach and capturing the attention of new prospects. 



Improve Organic Traffic Performance


Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of content repurposing for SEO. Improving SEO and increasing organic traffic are vital goals for any B2B digital marketing strategy and content repurposing plays a significant role in achieving these objectives. 


Creating Fresh Opportunities for Backlinks and Internal Links

Backlinks are crucial for SEO, as they indicate to search engines that your content is reputable and valuable. When you repurpose your content and distribute it across various channels, you create fresh opportunities for backlinks. For example, if you turn a blog post into a guest post for another industry website or contribute to an industry-specific publication, you can include links back to your original content. By acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable sources, you enhance your website’s domain authority and improve your visibility in SERPs.

Content repurposing also allows you to improve internal linking within your website: by linking to your repurposed content from relevant pages and blog posts, you guide both users and search engine crawlers to deeper website pages and valuable related information. Effective internal linking helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your website, improves user navigation, and enhances the overall user experience. Additionally, internal links distribute link equity across your website, contributing to improved SEO performance.


Expanding Keyword Targeting Opportunities

Repurposing content provides fresh opportunities to optimize for relevant keywords and create a pillar page strategy that targets multiple short-tail and long-tail keyword variations. Long-tail keywords play a crucial role in B2B SEO, as they often have lower competition and higher conversion rates. Content repurposing allows you to target long-tail keywords by creating focused, niche-specific content. For instance, you can repurpose a comprehensive guide or whitepaper into a series of blog posts, each targeting a specific long-tail keyword. 

In addition, adapting your content to different formats means you can naturally incorporate additional keywords and variations that align with the specific format or platform. For example, when repurposing a blog post into a video, you can optimize the video title, description, and tags with relevant keywords and create a new page on your website to host the video. 


Increasing Content Indexing

When you repurpose your content and distribute it across various channels, you increase the chances of search engines indexing your content. Different formats, such as videos, podcasts, or infographics, are often indexed by search engines and appear in search results alongside traditional web pages, so having a diversified content portfolio gives you more opportunities for exposure and organic traffic. Each indexed piece of repurposed content acts as a doorway to your website, driving potential prospects to explore your offerings.


Encouraging Social Signals

Social signals, such as likes, shares, and comments on social media platforms are increasingly influencing search engine rankings. Repurposing content and sharing it across social media channels encourage social engagement, amplifying the visibility and reach of your content. When your repurposed content generates social signals, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and worthy of attention. This can positively impact your SEO rankings, leading to increased organic traffic and brand exposure.

Content repurposing not only improves your website’s SEO but also expands your reach and attracts organic traffic from diverse sources. By creating fresh backlink opportunities, optimizing for keywords, increasing content indexing, targeting long-tail keywords, encouraging social signals, and enhancing internal linking, content repurposing strengthens your overall SEO strategy. It allows you to rank higher in search engine results, drive more targeted traffic to your website, and ultimately achieve digital marketing success in the B2B landscape.


Establish Thought Leadership and Expertise

Establishing thought leadership and expertise is a crucial goal for B2B digital marketing success. Because consistency is key when it comes to establishing thought leadership, content repurposing allows you to reinforce your messaging and maintain a consistent presence across different platforms and formats. 


Showcasing Expertise in Various Ways

Repurposing content allows you to showcase your expertise and knowledge in various formats that resonate with different segments of your audience. While some individuals prefer reading in-depth articles or blog posts, others may prefer watching videos or listening to podcasts. A multi-format approach to content creation enhances your brand’s visibility and establishes you as an expert across different content consumption channels.

Through content repurposing, you can explore topics from different angles or perspectives, providing deeper insights and comprehensive coverage. For instance, you can repurpose a blog post into a case study, breaking down the topic into specific use cases and highlighting your expertise in solving real-world challenges. This strategy will help position you as a thought leader who understands the nuances of your industry.

Plus, as we discussed in our audience reach section earlier, the B2B target audience is diverse. Your audience likely consists of decision-makers, influencers, and professionals with varying roles and interests, so you need to tailor your messaging and insights to address them in a way that makes sense to them. Decision-makers may not have time to watch a full-length video or not be ready to sign up for a demo, but they would appreciate the same insights delivered in a case study or analyst report: that’s where content repurposing shines. 


Leveraging New Channels and Networks

Content repurposing opens up opportunities to leverage new channels and networks, expanding your reach and establishing thought leadership in different communities. Consider publishing your existing content on industry-specific platforms, forums, or online communities to engage with niche audiences who are actively seeking expert insights and knowledge. Participating in relevant discussions, sharing your repurposed content, and providing valuable input establishes your credibility and positions you as a go-to resource within those communities and will help you expand your network of industry peers and potential customers.


Repackaging Research and Insights

If you conduct original research, surveys, or studies, repurposing that content is an effective way to establish thought leadership. Repackaging research findings into various formats (infographics, whitepapers, or industry reports) allows you to showcase your expertise and unique insights derived from data analysis. 

The ability to showcase expertise in different formats and address specific audience segments contribute to positioning your brand as a trusted authority. Thought leadership not only enhances your brand reputation but also attracts loyal followers, industry partnerships, and business opportunities in the B2B space.


Maximize Content ROI and Save Resources

Maximizing return on investment (ROI) and saving resources are critical considerations in B2B digital marketing: content creation can take a lot of time and resources and poor ROI can be a roadblock to future content creation. Let’s explore how content repurposing will help you maximize content ROI and save resources.

We went into detail about matching content to audiences in an earlier section: instead of creating entirely new content from scratch, you can leverage and repurpose valuable pieces of content into multiple formats and distribute them across various channels to amplify your content’s visibility and exposure. 


Tailoring Content to Buyer Journey

The buyer’s journey in B2B marketing consists of multiple stages, from awareness to consideration and decision-making. Each stage requires specific types of content to effectively nurture leads and drive conversions and creating high-quality, original content can be resource-intensive, particularly for complex B2B topics. Luckily, content repurposing allows you to expand your content portfolio to match the needs of users at every stage of the B2B sales cycle without significantly increasing your workload or resource allocation. Consider repurposing comprehensive guides into blog posts, case studies, and videos to make the most out of your largest assets.



Content repurposing is a cost-effective strategy that enables you to maximize the return on your content investments and save valuable resources. Done right, content repurposing is a game-changer! Repackage and redistribute your existing content so you can extend its lifespan, reach a wider audience, improve SEO, establish thought leadership, and maximize your ROI. Embrace the power of content repurposing and unlock new opportunities to engage with your target audience, drive brand awareness, and achieve digital marketing success in the B2B realm.


Get in touch with Obility’s digital marketing and content experts and learn how we can help you achieve your marketing goals.