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Generative AI in B2B SEO: The Impact & Tips for Success in 2024

The AI landscape is evolving rapidly; new AI-powered features are rolling out across nearly all of our favorite apps and tools every day. Whether you work in tech or not, it will be near impossible

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Which Content Audit Tool can Replace Moz Content?

Last week Moz announced a shift back to core SEO efforts, hence retiring Moz Content and Followerwonk. Several organizations have used Moz Content to audit their

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Digital Marketing to IT Decision Makers Now & in the Future

What drives the sales process for many IT decision makers (ITDMs) can be difficult to interpret. The recent Customer Engagement Research Report by IDG on IT

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Expanded Text Ads – A Signal Alphabet Plans to Acquire Twitter?

In July, Google increased the length of their text ads to 140 characters, a number seemingly synonymous with Twitter. While Twitter’s 140 limit stems from an

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Expanded Ad Text: A Gift From the Heavens

At the Google Summit in May, the search giant announced arguably the largest feature change in AdWords during the last several years – expanded character limits

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